District » Grading Scales

Grading Scales

Students in elementary school will be graded using a points system. Each assignment will be given a point value and a grade will be given based on the number of points earned out of the number of points possible on the assignment. The quarter grade will be a percentage based on the assignment. The quarter grade will be a percentage based on the number of points earned out of the total number of points possible throughout the quarter. All grades will be posted in the Infinite Campus Grade book within a reasonable amount of time after the assignment has been completed. 

The following grading scale will be used to insure a systematic way of recording and interpreting 

1st Grade through 12th Grade
A+ = 100% A = 99-96% A - = 95-94% B+ = 93-92%
B = 91-88% B- = 87-86% C+ = 85-845 C = 83-81%
C- = 80-78% D+ = 77-76% D = 75-73% D - = 72-70%
F = 69% and below

Music, Physical Education, Band, Computer classes will be graded using S, I and U for grades K through 5.

Pre-school, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten are graded by standards.

When teachers are figuring grades, they are to round to the nearest whole number using 
normal mathematical rounding rules and the tenths place only to round.

Any student completing as AP (Advanced Placement) course whether through the South Dakota Center for Virtual Education or via Faulkton High Schools, the grade earned in said class will possess a multiplier of 1.25 for GPA calculation purposes.